Impressum der Website
Impressum der Website


DOMACO Dr. med. Aufdermaur AG
Weststrasse 16
CH-5426 Lengnau AG

Tel: +41 56 266 55 11
Fax +41 56 266 55 22

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators. All liability claims concerning the information of this website are excluded. Liability for damages resulting from the use of the published content is excluded.

Data protection
Personal information provided when filling in a form or any information you provide us with, for example by e-mail, is confidential and will in no circumstances be disclosed to unauthorized third parties.

The copyright for the entire website is held by Dr. med. Aufdermaur AG.

Concept, design and programming

Megura AG Werbeagentur ASW
Theaterplatz 3
5400 Baden
Tel. 056 269 00 00

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